Young Adult Author | Janelle Leonard
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YA Writer Janelle Leonard
Janelle Leonard YA Author Logo

Hi, I'm Janelle!


I grew up with a pen in one hand and a notebook in the other. When not creating new worlds and 3D characters, I'm reading everything I can get my hands on (Eclectic Genre Junkie!). I'm a coffeeholic, wife, mother, YA Author, elementary library lady, and editor.


Image by Nick Morrison


"Janelle is an absolute joy to work with. Her passion for story and those who tell them comes through in every interaction and my books are so much better for having worked with her."

- Hannah Currie, author of Bring Her Home


"Janelle is my go-to proofreader. She's professional, thorough, and incredibly insightful. I've used her for all my manuscripts. I highly recommend her to anyone who needs an eagle eye to whip their story into shape!"

~Audrey Grey, USA Today bestselling author

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